Monday, October 27, 2008

And so it begins

Alright, I'm going to start this off with a quick introduction of myself. My name is Abdella Ali, everyone just calls me Della for short - or some sort of variant of that, it's gotten weird. Anyhoo, currently I work at Best Buy under the position of "Gaming Specialist" job isn't too bad - also gives me some... low... low cred bragging rights.

I don't think me and my buddy Mitchell are really too sure what we're going to be blogging about... other than games, or more specifically, what about games we will be blogging about. So bear with us as we find our... niché. I think I'm just going to start it off with a quick game impression - Fable Deux.

So... something people will probably figure out about me as I continue to blog, is that I play any game (when I have the option) as a saint, I'm not sure what compels me to do it exactly... but does anyone? Anyway, the game - just to make sure I get the point across before I do anything else - is great. It's been about a week since I purchased it, and It has taken up almost all my gaming time and attention since. So far I think I am about halfway through the main story, but I am easily about 35-40 hours invested into the game - and that's because my character has more going on than just his quest for revenge. He has a wife (one he was kind of... bamboozled into marrying) he just had a kid, he is a very successful entrepreneur who owns many a shops and houses, and gallivants his way across the land rescuing people from highwaymen and trolls and the like. Not only do I do all these things once, I do them multiple times - I can't tell you how many times I've freed some poor fools from some slave traders, or beaten up some beetles hiding in cellars. The weird thing is that it doesn't really get old. I can keep doing it over and over without feeling... like it's forced.

I'm not going to spend too much more time talking about Fable II, cause I'm going to post one more time about it when I finish the game (which will hopefully be soon, as Fallout 3 is tomorrow and I want my time free for that) but I will say this. This game does so much to further the RPG genre, and (hopefully) inspire the creation of even more innovative games. It just feels like that kind of game. That is not to say that the game is not without flaws (most of them seem to be based on bugs, my furniture shop stopped restocking on furniture, and now I have a lot more trouble turning houses for profit) but those flaws are so easily brushed aside when you play this game, I feel as though I can't ever get mad at this game, It has completely and totally enthralled me.

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